
The colorful history and equally colorful legends of professional rodeo live on at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Since the Hall’s opening in 1979, 307 people, 40 animals and 35 rodeo committees have been inducted. More than 100 individuals are nominated each year, but only a few are selected.

Inductee by category:

Inductees Alphabetically:

Davis, Sonny

Day, Jeana

Deadwood Days of ’76

Decker, Jo


Diefenbach, Darrell

Dightman, Myrtis

Doak, George

Dobbs, Quail

Dodge City Roundup

Duhon, Steve

Dunn, Rex

Duvall, Roy

Ellensburg Rodeo

Elliott, Verne

Etbauer, Billy

Etbauer, Robert

Etienne, Myron “Doc”

Evans, Eldon

Evans, J. Pat

Farris, John

Farris, Mildred

Feild, Kaycee

Feild, Lewis

Feller, Tom

Felts, Arnold

Ferguson, Tom

Five Minutes to Midnight

Flynn, Denny

Ford, Bruce

Fort, Troy

Franklin, Glen

French Flash Hawk “Bozo”

Frost, Lane

Fulkerson, Jasbo

G-65 Grated Coconut

Gardenhire, Phil

Garrett, Mark

Garrett, Marvin

Garrison, Walt

Gaudin, Dudley J.

Gaughan, Michael

Gay, Don

Gay, Neal

Gellerman, Doyle

Gjermundson, Brad

Gills Bay Boy “Scamper”

Glenn, Joe

Gorsuch, Dean

Grand National Rodeo, Horse & Stock Show

Gray Wolf

Greeley Stampede

Greenough, Deb

Griffith, Dick

Grubb, Pete

Guymon Pioneer Days Rodeo

Hadley, Tom

Hannum, Jack

Hare, Miles

Harris, Bobby

Harris, Lecile

Hawkins, John

Hedeman, Richard “Tuff”

Hell’s Angel

Hendricks, Byron

Hendricks, Lee

Henson, Chuck

Henson, Monty

Herman, Wayne

Hervey, Bill

High Tide

Hirdes, Les

Holcomb, Homer

Horton Leach, Fay Ann 

Houston, Jim

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo

Howard, Duane

Hurley, Bobby

Hyland, Mel

Iowa’s Championship Rodeo

Irwin, C.B.

Irwin, Sharkey

Ivory, Buster

Ivory, June

James, Charmayne

Jauregui, Andy

Johnson, Ben

Johnson, Clint

Jones, Cecil

Jones, John W. Sr.

Jones, John W. Jr.

Josey, Martha

Justin, John

Kelsey, Joe

Kerby, Rex “Bud”

Kerby, Swanny

Kesler, Reg

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